Intralinks Modern Slavery Statement
This statement provides details on the policies and processes the above companies have in place to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chains.
We consider this an extremely important issue and we aspire to go beyond the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, embedding the responsibility to respect human rights into our culture. There is no place for modern slavery or human trafficking within our organization.
We consider this an extremely important issue and we aspire to go beyond the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, embedding the responsibility to respect human rights into our culture. There is no place for modern slavery or human trafficking within our organisation.
We operate a suite of policies that reflect and embed our commitment to human rights and regularly review our practices to ensure that we adopt the most appropriate anti-slavery processes for our business. We endeavour to demonstrate our approach to tackling modern slavery to our clients and the public as a whole.
We are a cloud-based financial technology provider for global banking, deal making and capital markets. We facilitate strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, capital raising and investor reporting by enabling and securing the flow of information. Intralinks (Intralinks, Inc.) is headquartered in the United States of America and provides services to clients in locations worldwide across Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. Intralinks Ltd is the UK subsidiary of Intralinks, Inc. and carries on the group’s operations in the United Kingdom. Our ultimate parent company, SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc., is based in Connecticut, US.
Further details about our group can be found at ‘About Us’ on our website at the following link: https://investor.ssctech.com/investor-relations/overview/default.aspx
Our quarterly financial reporting can be found at ‘Press Releases’ on our website at the following link: https://investor.ssctech.com/investor-relations/press-releases/default.aspx
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Modern Slavery and other internal policies reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains. While Intralinks, Inc. is not directly subject to the Modern Slavery Act, we are publishing this statement alongside Intralinks Ltd as we have a shared approach to addressing these risks.
As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place to the following:
- Suppliers are expected to have suitable anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes in place and confirmation is requested as part of the Due Diligence processes for relevant suppliers
- Key risk areas in our supply chains are identified through this Due Diligence where any exceptions are escalated
- Systems to encourage the reporting of concerns and the protection of whistle blowers
To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values we have in place a supply chain compliance programme that reviews our supply chain and contractors on a periodic basis. We have a dedicated compliance team at the parent company level, which consists of involvement from the following departments:
- Audit
- Human Resources
- Procurement
- Legal Department
We build in house solutions where possible to ensure control of our work environment. Where we do need to make use of Suppliers, in the main they provide services such as technology solutions, maintenance and support, premises and office management, business solutions and professional services. We build long standing relationships with Suppliers where it is possible and make clear our expectations of business behavior through our Due Diligence processes. The following processes allow us to understand that our Suppliers work ethically and have mechanisms in place to demonstrate that Modern Slavery is not an issue within their own businesses:
- Due Diligence is completed when onboarding a new Supplier
- Questions concerning our Supplier’s approach to Modern Slavery are asked within the Due Diligence Questionnaires for relevant suppliers and responses are reviewed to ensure we are satisfied that their approach meets our expectations
- Where an unsatisfactory response is received from a Supplier on their Modern Slavery approach, further review is required with escalation to the Supplier Risk Governance Committee if appropriate where the risk would be assessed and a decision would be made to either continue to work with or not work with the Supplier
- The Due Diligence exercise is then repeated annually where applicable
Similarly we have mechanisms in place demonstrating that we treat our people fairly, respectfully and equally. Here are the key policies, processes and practices in place which support this:
Expectations of our Employees
- Employee Terms & Conditions – signed on joining
- Employee Handbook – reviewed/signed annually
- Culture & Conduct Risk Policy
- Guiding Behaviours – Assessment against these is a key part of the annual appraisal process
- SMCR (Senior Managers Certification Regime)
- Induction Training
Supporting Intralinks and/or Employees
- Whistleblowing
- Grievance Policy
- Review of pay annually
- Criminal checks where legally permitted (on joining)
- Disciplinary Process
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant members of staff.
We believe that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It has been approved by the individual boards of directors and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2023.